
Friday, June 4, 2010

Why It Is Immoral to be a Bureaucrat

Many of us have recently grown concerned at the response of the US government to the ongoing financial crisis which took hold in 2007. Instead of cutting back spending, the Obama administration has decided to increase spending to unprecedented levels and balloon our already over bloated budget deficit. Who is going to pay for this? Right now, it’s China; but eventually, it will be us, or our children, or our children’s children, and so on.

I argue it is morally reprehensible for the government to tax my labor so that it can sustain its overpaid bureaucrats in unnecessarily large departments.

It is generally immoral to work for the US government in such a state of affairs. This is for two reasons. Firstly, the way the US government generally appropriates the funds to pay for its bureaucrats is through unfair taxation. Using this money appropriated through unfair taxation, it overpays its bureaucrats in Washington DC so that they can live comfortably with excellent benefits whilst hardworking Americans around the country are forced to live off cents because the government has stifled economic growth with out of control spending.

Why should I subsidize the benefits for a government employee when I do not agree with most of what the government spends its money on? Furthermore, how can any thoughtful person honestly take a check from the government knowing that the money has been appropriated from hard working people who have their necks on the line if their specific industry doesn’t turn over a profit?

This is especially true if you work for some of the government departments that simply do not serve a relevant purpose. Economists say all the time that government bureaucracy is not efficient because the incentives that entrepreneurs face in the private sector are not there in the public sector. There are serious consequences to an entrepreneur who makes a serious - let’s say budgeting – mistake; if you vastly underestimate how much a project will cost, and your funding dries up, the likelihood is that your project will be scrapped. This can be devastating to a small business.

What happens when the government underestimates its costs? Nothing; just print more money! Who cares, we’re not paying for it right? China is! This kind of short-term thinking is bankrupting the country and unfairly putting us and our children in a subordinate position in a global marketplace.

Nothing great comes from the government bureaucrat – on the whole – you people should be ashamed of yourselves.


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