
Friday, June 17, 2011

Bureaucrats from IMF getting paid to tell the world something we already know.

With Obama’s popularity circling the sinkhole, it has finally become apparent, not only to the bozo bureaucrats of the US government but also the cross-governmental doltish bureaucrats found at the IMF, that the world economy is decidedly not in better shape despite the incredible amount of “money” being spent to promote a Keynesian revival. 

Today the IMF came out in a statement warning that there was an increased risk to national and global economies because of a looming debt problem in several countries. Of course, the United States was on this list, and the IMF cited concern of the “political stalemate” over how to tackle the debt problem as an obstacle that must be overcome.

Well, thank you, dear zealous bureaucrats at the IMF, but can you please tell us something we don’t know, seeing as though we pay for your lavish lifestyles funded by exaggerated salaries? The Tea Party movement has already been highlighting the futile attempts to curb debt with more debt by “spending our way out” of recession that the US government has attempted to do, rather disastrously, under the Obama administration. 

The German economy, whose government went another route, decided to curb debt by taking up austerity measures (wow, they decided to curb their spending when they were spending too much? What a novel idea [!]) has exceeded growth expectations even during this deep and global recession. This is not surprising at all.

Well, we don’t need the IMF (or the Germans) to teach us things we’ve been saying for years, do we? We just need the Obama administration to start listening to US.  


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